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- Casey Brown on Fiestas of San Isidro and final days in Madrid
- Donna Brown on Fiestas of San Isidro and final days in Madrid
- Donna Brown on Spring Break Part 3: Istanbul, Turkey
- Donna Brown on Navigating Language Barriers
- Casey Brown on Churros walking tour!
Tag Archives: music
Last minute touristy things
Because we’ve all finally finished exams and are preparing to have even more people slowly trickle out of Madrid, we’ve been trying to fit in some last minute touristy things that we either missed throughout the semester or are a … Continue reading
Posted in Study Abroad in Madrid
Tagged a cappella, almudena cathedral, alonso martínez, art, ateneo de madrid, ayuntamiento, cable car, casa de campo, cathedral, cibeles, city hall, el rastro, flea market, golden triangle of art, la latina, lago, lago de casa de campo, lake, live music, madrid day, malasaña, market, microteatro por madrid, museum, music, open air, ópera, palacio de cibeles, plaza de cibeles, plaza de oriente, prado, rastro, reina sofía, royal opera house, royal theater, san isidro, sol, teatro real, teleférico, thyssen, thyssen-bornemisza, tierra, tierra burrito
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Lisbon and the Ancient Roman City of Mérida
If we thought we had spent a lot of time traveling by bus on our trip through southern Spain, we were definitely in for a surprise. It took us around four hours to get from our previous stop, Sevilla, to … Continue reading
Posted in Study Abroad in Madrid
Tagged amphitheater, bacalao, beach, belém, belem tower, bridge, calamari, caldereta, cascaes, cascais, cathedral, christ the king, cod, dessert, discoverer, discoveries, earthquake, eu, european union, explorer, explorers, extremadura, fado, flan, food, food and circuses, hieronymites, hispania, iberian peninsula, jerónimos, lamb, lisboa, lisbon, lisbon cathedral, marquis of pombal, marquis of pombal square, melancholy, mérida, metro, migas, monastery, monsteiro dos jerónimos, monument, monument to the discoveries, music, nostalgia, padrão dos descobrimentos, pan y circo, panem et circenses, pastéis de belém, port, portugal, portuguese, pt, recording, río, river, roman, roman theater, rome, sabe ou não sabe, saudade, seismology, sevilla, tagus, tajo, tejo, toledo, torre de belém, tower of belem, treaty of lisbon, trips, tv, tv show, vasco da gama
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Paseo #2: Authentic Flamenco Performance
Unlike the typical Paseos por Madrid which take place during the day on Fridays, this week’s class took place at 9:30 on Wednesday night and didn’t finish until 11:30. Being out so late (though, honestly, midnight is not late in Spain) … Continue reading
Posted in Study Abroad in Madrid
Tagged andalucía, andalusia, brazil, culture, dance, duende, duendes, flamenco, guitar, gypsies, gypsy, mudéjar, music, paseo, paseos por madrid, performance, phrygian scale, romani, samba, show, singing, song
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