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- Casey Brown on Fiestas of San Isidro and final days in Madrid
- Donna Brown on Fiestas of San Isidro and final days in Madrid
- Donna Brown on Spring Break Part 3: Istanbul, Turkey
- Donna Brown on Navigating Language Barriers
- Casey Brown on Churros walking tour!
Tag Archives: museum
Last minute touristy things
Because we’ve all finally finished exams and are preparing to have even more people slowly trickle out of Madrid, we’ve been trying to fit in some last minute touristy things that we either missed throughout the semester or are a … Continue reading
Posted in Study Abroad in Madrid
Tagged a cappella, almudena cathedral, alonso martínez, art, ateneo de madrid, ayuntamiento, cable car, casa de campo, cathedral, cibeles, city hall, el rastro, flea market, golden triangle of art, la latina, lago, lago de casa de campo, lake, live music, madrid day, malasaña, market, microteatro por madrid, museum, music, open air, ópera, palacio de cibeles, plaza de cibeles, plaza de oriente, prado, rastro, reina sofía, royal opera house, royal theater, san isidro, sol, teatro real, teleférico, thyssen, thyssen-bornemisza, tierra, tierra burrito
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The Basque Country: Bilbao and San Sebastián
One of the few places in Spain that our program didn’t have the chance to bring us was the Basque Country. Since we had a few days between exams, Hyunjin, Ben, Christy, and I decided to take a two day … Continue reading
Posted in Study Abroad in Madrid
Tagged andalusia, basque country, beach, beach of la concha, beret, bilbao, bus, casco viejo, castilla, catedral de santiago, cathedral, church of san antón, culture, donostia, eight basque surnames, eso es, estuary, eta, euskadi, euskera, food, france, funicular, gastronomy, gothic quarter, gran vía, gran vía de don diego lópez de haro, guggenheim, guggenheim museum, igeldo, igueldo, la concha, levantamiento de peso, medieval, mountain, mountains, movie, movie theater, movies, museum, museums, ocho apellidos vascos, país vasco, pelota, pinchos, pinxos, port, racquetball, ría, rock lifting, san antón, san sebastian, seafood, siete calles, sports, squash, tapas, trip, trips, txoko, urgull, vasco, yoko ono
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Archaeological Museum, Botanical Gardens, and Reina Sofía
The week following our trip to Valencia was another one filled with field trips and a paseo to sites around Madrid, including the Archaeological Museum and Reina Sofía with Paco and the Botanical Gardens with Kike. On Tuesday, Paco took … Continue reading
Posted in Study Abroad in Madrid
Tagged archaeological museum, art, bakery, baza, colón, croissant, dalí, dama, dama de baza, dama de elche, dessert, easter, elche, falleras, field trip, food, french toast, garden, goya, greenhouses, guernica, holy week, iberians, joan miró, kike, lady of baza, lady of elche, lent, metro, miró, modern art, museum, napolitana, pablo picasso, paco, pain au chocolat, panadería, park, paseo, picasso, plants, plaza de colón, plaza de murillo, prado, real jardín botánico, reina sofía, royal botanical gardens, salvador dalí, semana santa, serrano, torrija, valencia, weather
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A Week Full of Field Trips
This school week was full of field trips and experiential learning that took us outside of the classroom, including a class trip, a site visit with the program, and a paseo with Kike. After all the weekend trips we’ve been … Continue reading
Posted in Study Abroad in Madrid
Tagged agency, ancient egypt, aswan dam, basketball, egypt, field trip, franco, fútbol, icade, impressionism, jerry maguire, joaquín sorolla, juan carlos, juan carlos I, kike, museo soralla, museum, palace, palacio real, palaco de la zarzuela, paseo, paseos por madrid, plaza de españa, royal family, royal palace, soccer, soralla, sports, sports agency, sports marketing, temple, temple of debod, unesco, you first sports
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Weekend trip to Amsterdam
On Friday morning I woke up at 4:00am to take my first trip out of Spain since I arrived a month and a half ago. Madrid’s metro rail doesn’t run at that hour, but luckily there’s a 24 hour shuttle service … Continue reading
Posted in Study Abroad in Madrid
Tagged amsterdam, amsterdam centraal, anne frank, anne frank's house, art, bloemenmarkt, botanical garden, canabis, canal, canal tour, canals, centraal, central station, cheese, coffeeshops, dam square, de wallen, drug policy, drugs, flower market, flowers, food, french fries, gedoogbeleid, gouda, heineken, heineken experience, hermitage, holocaust, homomonument, hop on hop off, hortus, hostel, houseboats, i amsterdam, ij, marijuana, market, metro, museum, museumplein, museums, nazi, nazis, nemo, nemo science center, netherlands, nl, party, plaza de cibeles, prostitutes, prostitution, red light, red light district, rijksmuseum, schiphol, secret annex, shuttle service, skinny bridge, smoking, st. christopher's in, stedelijk, stopera, stroopwafel, stroopwafels, trip, van gogh, van gogh museum, vip, wallen, weekend trip, winston, world war II
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Journalism field trip, Reina Sofía, and El Lobo de Wall Street
The last week has been pretty low-key. After staying up so late for the Super Bowl, the cold that I had been getting over came back with renewed fury and quite possibly a case of bronchitis, so I’ve been mostly … Continue reading
Posted in Study Abroad in Madrid
Tagged abono, art, au, basque, basque country, class, dalí, elena, field trip, franco, guernica, journal, journalism, lobo de wall street, luis buñuel, mario, metro, modern art, movie, movie theater, movies, museum, netflix, news, pablo picasso, paco, país vasco, phone, picasso, reina sofía, salvador dalí, santiago bernabéu, stadium, trips, un chien adalou, un perro andaluz, v.o., v.o.s., wolf of wall street
Madrid’s Prado Museum
The Museo del Prado is Spain’s largest art museum. It’s located right in the middle of Madrid, about a 10 minute walk to the east of Puerta del Sol and right off of Plaza de Cibeles, the night bus hub that’s also … Continue reading
Posted in Study Abroad in Madrid
Tagged arqueological museum, art, art changes, bank of spain, christ washing the disciple's feet, class, dalí, disrobing of christ, el greco, elites, elitism, european art, goya, greco, hierarchy, kings, las meninas, monarchs, museo arueológico, museo del prado, museum, paco, patricia, picasso, plaza de cibeles, portraits, prado, puerta del sol, queens, reina sofía, retiro, royalty, royalty of spain, sol, spain seminar, spanish monarchs, thyssen-bornemisza, tintoretto, titian, velázquez
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